We're glad you do! Here's some guidelines to help you choose material to add to the site:
The purpose of this site is to share stories of people, groups, or programs who are actively engaged in positive social actions. We believe that ideas which lead to positive action can result in positive change. If we share the stories of ideas and actions it might stimulate new ideas and new actions, or encourage more efforts by more people contributing to an existing good idea.
We define positive social action as organized activity that seeks to improve human welfare and cultivate a just and caring community. Positive social action directly appeals to reasonable human values and principles such as the dignity of the human person, the recognition of human rights and responsibility, the pursuit of common good and the fostering of relationships of equality, inclusion and economic accessibility for any interested parties.
Look for material (video, audio, images, text/webpages) that highlight ideas, concepts or programs that are active and cultivate an expanded common good. Any subject is worthy. Ideally the material will illustrate grassroots/DIY actions, be inclusive, socially and economically accessible, scalable or have tools, workflows or processes that could be adapted or transferred to similar endeavors.
A good rule of thumb is to ask these three questions: 1) What is this story relevant to? 2) How is it relevant? and 3) How could this model be used in a project you know of? If you see an item and can recognize at least 2 of these three relationships, chances are you have content that contributes significantly to this project.
Click here for a short workflow how-to.
We look forward to including your submission. Feel free to send questions, comments and/or links to your material to possibilitystories@gmailDOTcom. We'll send you an invite so you can publish the content yourself, or we'll be glad to help you accomplish the task. Our goal is that readers add material on their own when they are moved to do so; the more contributors, the more variety and broader range of stories for everyone to consider! Thanks for participating and helping to spread positive stories of good works!